TriSun Easy Work Time Calculator 7.0 Build 062 Multilingual Full Version
Easy Work Time Calculator is a friendly worktime calculator. It can
calculate/count the time consumption of your tasks by seconds, minutes,
hours, days, weeks, months, years and their sum and average. The numbers
of date time elements are refreshed automatically on the main
interface, and you can set the frequency of refreshing. With this
program, you can Start, Rename, Delete, Pause, Continue and Stop your
tasks, it provides you with a quick filter (according to task status
(Started, Paused and Finished), start time (yesterday and today, last
week) and an advanced filter (according to task name and custom start
time) to show your tasks listing conveniently.
Also, copying the value of any field, automatically remembering the order and width of columns / the size and location of window, hiding columns, data backing up/restoring features are provided. Of course, some useful options are built-in: refreshing frequency, precision of the numbers of years, months, weeks, days, hours, minutes and seconds, font name and size of the tasks listing, foreground colors of different task statuses.
Basic usage:
Also, copying the value of any field, automatically remembering the order and width of columns / the size and location of window, hiding columns, data backing up/restoring features are provided. Of course, some useful options are built-in: refreshing frequency, precision of the numbers of years, months, weeks, days, hours, minutes and seconds, font name and size of the tasks listing, foreground colors of different task statuses.
Basic usage:
- Click the <New> button when you start a new task A.
- If task A is interrupted by other things (such as answering the phone, taking a coffee break), just click the <Pause> button.
- After the interruption, simply click the <Continue> button.
- Once task A is finished, click the <Stop> button to stop counting time.