Minggu, 07 April 2019

Artweaver Plus Multilingual Full Version

Artweaver Plus Multilingual Full Version

Artweaver + Portable
Artweaver is a graphic processing application that provides users with standard and advanced tools for creating and editing image files. It supports BMP, TGA, GIF, JPG, PCX and PSD formats, among others.

The interface is clean and comfortable to work with. Adding images to the list is done via the file browser or drag-and-drop support. Creating a new document requires you to specify the name, size, resolution, and background color.

Standard drawing tools contain brush, movement, shape selection, magic wand, Lasso, crop, perspective grid, text, shape, gradient, eraser, stamp, dropper, paint bucket, zoom, and pan.

It is possible to configure the color set, work with multiple layers, undo and redo actions, make image adjustments (e.g. brightness, contrast, color balance, levels), modify the canvas or image size, as well as transform or merge layers.

Additionally, you can apply filters (e.g. blur, distort, noise, render, sharpen), switch to full screen mode, set up advanced options (e.g. color variability, opacity, jitter), access a list of recently used tools, and more. Plus, you can import Clipboard and WIA-supported content, as well as export the image to PDF.

The program is surprisingly light on the system resources, using low CPU and RAM. It has a good reaction speed and rapidly applies tweaks to the pictures. We have not found any problems in our evaluation, as the app did not hang or crash. To sum it up, Artweaver is a very good graphic editing utility for enthusiastic users, although it cannot compete with more complex products, such as Photoshop.

Here are some key features of "Artweaver":
  • Support of many different digital brushes e.g. chalk, charcoal, pencils
  • A wide variety of adjustment settings to customize the default brushes or to create new brushes
  • Standard image editing tools like gradient, crop, fill and selection tools
  • Support for the most common file formats like AWD (Artweaver), BMP, GIF, JPEG, PCX, TGA, TIFF, PNG, and PSD
  • Transparency, Layer and Layer Group support
  • Effect filters like sharpen, blur, emboss and mosaic
  • Editable text layers
  • Pen Tablet support for a realistic feeling
  • History function to undo/redo last editing steps
  • Support for many languages through language files

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